The heaviness of the previous month is lessened to a certain extent, however on the 2nd Pluto moves back into Capricorn. This is the last entry of Pluto in the zodiac sign of the goat and could lead to some general clearing the clutter from the past on a collective level. On the 4th Mars moves into Cancer where the planet of war finds it difficult to express itself in a positive way. However on the 18th we have a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees in Pisces forming a conjunction with the planet Neptune. This can be a spiritually uplifting combination or a nebulous mess created by lack of boundaries in the collective. On the 22nd we have the Autumn Equinox when the Sun enters Libra which will be joined by Mercury on the 26th. This helps heal some of the rifts from the past in terms of political alliances that have recently broken down.
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