September 2023

The good news is that on the 4th the planet Venus goes direct, while the not so good news is a few hours later Jupiter goes retrograde. This sets the tone of the month as the planetary activity suggests a turbulent time from a political angle. On the 15th we have a New Moon at 21 degrees in Virgo while at the same time Mercury goes direct, this leads to the last week of September to be the most eventful and revealing as news moves fast from a technological perspective. On the 23rd we have the Autumn Equinox when the Sun moves into the zodiac sign of Libra. This is flowed by a Full Moon on the 29th at 6 degrees in Aries ‘ a fox running along a path beneath the shadow of a wall’ speaks of caution especially in regard to political diplomacy with other counties. This is a month when we are all aware of which direction we are beginning to head towards, this is astrologically emphasised in the USA when societal fractions become more apparent to the West.