Horoscopes 2024
This is a year in which your finances will be tested in terms of how you avoid temptation to overspend, especially in the first five months of the year. However on the 26th of May Jupiter moves into your 3rd house, the placement of communication, short distant travel, education, and technology. This sets the tone for the second half of the year which aims to be busier than you have been for a long time, at least that is how it will feel. On the 1st May your planetary ruler Mars enters your own sign until June 9th , allowing you to be braver and more direct with your ideas. The planet of restriction is travelling in your 12th house for the entire year, this usually means that you have to put boundaries in place in regard to your spiritual development, if you are able to achieve this in the year , pearls of wisdom will arise in your communication with others. At the end of the year from the 6th of December your planetary ruler Mars goes retrograde, time to reflect and sidestep major decisions until the New Year. On the 8th of April you have a total solar eclipse at 19 degrees in your own sign , this is when your new year begins.
This is another big year for you bulls, especially if you are born in the second half of when the Sun is in Taurus. The planets Jupiter until the end of May is in your own sign and Uranus which remains in your zodiac sign for the year are both pulling you to look outside of yourself. This is no easy task for the Taurus for they are a sign that prefers to work internally. However this year is about you grabbing hold of the opportunities that come your way, no matter how odd they seem. The month of May sees your ruler Venus travel through your own sign until the 24th. On the 10th of June Mars enters your own sign for six weeks, a time to make things happen , but not to be too impulsive. From June onwards the planet Jupiter goes into your 2nd solar house of values and your financial situation, this can make you much more confident about your own abilities. The downside is that you become to confident, lacking an ability to see the details of projects or your own self-worth.
The second half of the year will be busy as the planet Jupiter from June enters your own sign, however Jupiter has a tendency to go in several different directions all at the same time so you will to implement some level of restrain. The planet Saturn is still making a square aspect to your Sun this year for the majority of you. The meaning of this is being self-disciplined while not allowing yourself to get to frustrated when things seems to move slowly. In late November and December your planetary ruler Mercury is retrograde in your opposing zodiac sign that rules relationships, so be careful of how you communicate during this period. 2024 is a year when you will feel like your starting a new cycle in your life that brings to the surface all an array of possibilities for you to engage with.
For most of you the transit of Pluto re-entering Aquarius late January and therefore leaving your opposing zodiac sign of Capricorn will feel like a blessing. This sets up the tone of the year as you will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. The planet of limitations Saturn is supporting you this year which allows you to accomplish a lot in a short space of time in particular with work matters. This is also helped by the presence of Jupiter moving to your solar 12th house at the end of May. If you have been contemplating developing your spiritual gifts then this is the year to start that process, since Jupiter is a planet that looks for higher knowledge within. From September the 5th till November 5th you have Mars travelling in your own sign, a powerful indicator of advancement in career matters through assertiveness and being direct.
Leo’s are going to be in for a shock as the planet Pluto enters their opposing zodiac sign Aquarius which rules the 7th house , the placement of relationships. This combination intensifies the need to externalise with others your deepest fears and where your own internal power lies. This all sounds very dramatic (I have to appeal to the Leo’s out there) and in essence it is, but there lies the art of self-transformation in 2024 as an outcome. The Leos energy levels are high during the next twelve months. In the second half of the year Jupiter enters your 11th house of hopes, dreams, wishes and collective groups, meaning these are the areas that you can expect expansion in some form. This is a key feature of the year as you seek the approval of others as well as society as a whole.
Virgos for the first half of the year are being supported by Jupiter traveling in the area of the chart that rules higher education, travel, and spiritual insights. However the planet Saturn is still in your opposite sign of Pisces for 2024 which keeps an eye on you setting you own boundaries when it comes to other people. This is a theme that plays out this year that will keep testing you with various demands from those close to you that need your attention , but not to much. However from late May the planet Jupiter enters into your solar 10th house for the rest of the year. This brings in with it new opportunities and a new cycle in regard to your career aspirations. Jupiter can be a promiser of much without delivering much if you do not check the details. But the next twelve months can deliver a powerful new direction for you to go in.
2024 is a year when there is a real focus on the health aspect of your life that will need your attention , this means looking after yourself and being aware of what your body needs and what it does not. This is due the planet Saturn travelling in your solar 6th house, it also means that you may want to put yourself forward for volunteer work or at least of being service to others. This is a strong year for you to complete tasks that have been put on hold over the last couple of years. The planet Pluto enters your solar 5th house, the placement of creativity, expect changes to how you use your self-expression and individualise yourself. The transit of Uranus still in your 8th solar house helps you keep a check on your financial situation and any partners money issues, as long as you are responsible in your reactions. You also have a Lunar eclipse on the 25th March and a solar eclipse on the 2nd of October both in your own sign, which tends to magnify those time periods in your life.
There is a polarity point for the Scorpio’s this year as the planets Jupiter and Uranus are travelling in your opposing zodiac sign of Taurus. Jupiter is in your solar 7th house until late May, which means relationships are a focal point for you, expansion, and a need to externalise a partnership in terms of sharing resources and diplomacy will be key features. However the presence of Uranus also in your 7th house can sometimes bring disruption and chaos. This should be embraced rather than feared for Uranus liberates us from our own limitations that we have imposed on ourself. In the second half of the year Jupiter enters your 8th house, which is a direct manifestation of the previous twelve months of learning the art of compromise through relationships. Now is the time to solidify and focus on the more psychological aspects of partnerships in terms of the power dynamics that can play out.
Your planetary ruler remains travelling in your 6th house until late May when it switches to your solar 7th house. The first five months of the year are slow as Jupiter puts you at the service of others and health matters in general. However by June Jupiter has entered your 7th house and life becomes a lot more interesting and active. The theme of 2024 is to be open to new people entering into your life that present new ideas and relationship opportunities that expand your horizons. This intensifies in the second half of the year as the planet Saturn goes retrograde in the home sector of your chart, which means that you have to be patient with loved ones or family members. However these is a sense that you are able to move more freely in your life than the previous year, which should be welcomed.
On the 22nd of January the planet Pluto moves from your own sign to Aquarius , it will briefly re-enter your sign on September 2nd for the final time before leaving on the 19th of November. This is a major astrological development that allows you to feel liberated from the last fourteen years, no longer do you have to think of others so much or constantly reinvent yourself, you can now just be you. However it is important that you still keep your boundaries in place during this transitional year ahead. The entrance of Jupiter in your 6th house from late May should serve you well in work matters and health issues as you seek to better understand your own body. 2024 is a year when you break free from the shackles and responsibilities of the past.
There are two main areas of focus this year , the home and personal finances, both need your attention and you can expect both to have major changes. The home and family is still in flux especially in the first five months of the year since Jupiter and Uranus are transiting your solar 4th house. Look out for the month of April as Jupiter makes conjunction with your modern ruler Uranus in your 4th house. In late May Jupiter travels into your 5th house, the placement of self-expression and creativity, which should help you to develop a certain amount of independent thinking. Your traditional ruler Saturn is transiting in your 2nd house this rule how you value yourself and how you make your money, restrain and the art of keeping hold of money is the mantra for you this year.
First of all you still have the planet Saturn travelling in your own zodiac sign to contend with for the whole year. This is a year when you can accomplish a lot, however it may not feel like that for most of the year. Saturn is all about self-discipline, duty, responsibility, and hard work, all of those themes will feature in your year ahead to some extent. Your traditional ruler Jupiter in late may moves from Taurus into Gemini which rules your 4th house, this placement covers your home, property. The manifestation of this tends to be a need to move home or relocate, there is a definite feeling of restlessness when Jupiter comes into contact with your 4th house. However most of you might just want to expand or reinvent your home during this transit. Your modern ruler Neptune is still travelling at the end of your zodiac sign , which is the most psychic of all of the placements, expect premonitions and psychic perception to come to light this year.